Fate/Grand Order has been out in the US for close a month now, but if you’ve only just jumped aboard the Fate fandom and started trying your hand at this game, here are some quick tips to help you maximize your play experience and get to a respectable level where you can enjoy both the story and the content.
Tip #1: Reroll, Reroll, Reroll
If you’ve been playing mobile phone games with a gacha element, you’ll be no stranger to rerolling in the hope of starting with a stronger unit.
As you play through the Prologue, you’ll get to make a welfare 10x Summon. This 10x Summon guarantees at least one 4* Servant (I ended up with two). You’ll also get to access your Present Box, pick up your commemorative Saber Lily, and some freebies (including 30 Saint Quartz) a couple battles after.

The Prologue teaches you all sorts of things, like how to utilize the Wall of Special Snowflakes. Luckily, it doesn’t take you more than 5 minutes to breeze through everything.

If you don’t know where the Present Box is, keep hitting the Back arrow in the top-left corner till you get back to the Terminal interface. It’s pretty self-evident where it is after.
With 30 Saint Quartz, you’re equipped to make some 10x Summon rolls and pray to the RNG gods that you get a 5* Servant that can help carry you, especially in the early game.
Keep doing this till you’re happy with the results.

That’s the button for a 10x Summon roll folks. Don’t forget to chant the summoning spell and place an offering in the magic circle while you’re at it.
Tip #2: Back up your Transfer Number
Fate/Grand Order tracks your account using a Transfer Number. If you like what you rolled, be sure to go to Menu > My Room, and select Issue Transfer Number to get one.
You’ll also be prompted to key in a password to go with the issued number for recovery purposes.
Tip #3: Level up your 5* Servant immediately!
You should have received some QP (gold) and XP cards in your Present Box together with your Saint Quartz.
Go to Menu > Enhance > Servant, and feed those XP cards to your 5* Servant to bump up his Level before you begin the farming process. You don’t want to dive into the next part with your Servants at Level 1. 😛
Tip #4: Raid the Treasure Vault (at least once)
Your Master level impacts the maximum number of Servants and Craft Essences you can bring into battle, and the speediest way to power level this is to do the Daily Quest maps.
If you’re fresh out of the third scenario in the Prologue, you’ll be maybe Level 2, with a maximum AP cap of slightly more than 20. This allows you to access Enter the Treasure Vault (Intermediate).
This is the first Daily Quest map (accessible from Terminal > Chaldea Gate > Daily Quest) that you will want to do because it hooks you up with some QP as well as enough XP to bump your Master level a couple times.
Just be sure to bring along a friend with a powerful Rider because you’re kicking down Doors, and every one of them is a Caster. My personal favorite is Martha, but any Rider with an AOE (area effect) Noble Phantasm will do.

Slap on a Kaleidoscope, The Imaginary Element or Prisma Cosmos, and you’ll be firing that NP off pretty regularly too.
Tip #5: Do those Dailies!
Make sure you move on to Ember Gathering (Intermediate) once you have gotten some QP out of the Vault.
Farm Ember Gathering (Intermediate) till your maximum AP cap hits 30. This won’t take long as each completion will yield enough Master XP for you to level up, and that also instantly refills your AP gauge. The XP cards you farm can also be fed to your Servants to beef them up for the next part.
Farm Ember Gathering (Advanced) till your maximum AP cap hits 40, and start on Ember Gathering (Expert) as soon as you can.
Not only will you receive 15,690 XP for your Master Level, you’ll get 8 or 9 gold XP cards every time you complete the Expert map.

Of course, it helps if you (and your friend in the Support slot) are properly armed for the occasion.

Special events like the ongoing Nero Festival will yield a much higher XP payout (20,380 XP for the 30 AP map), so be sure to farm that instead when you can. Just make sure you’ve got a team (or friends) capable of taking on Servants with over 50,000 hp.
Tip #6: Watch those Affinities
This isn’t so much a tip, as it is common sense. Some Servants have Personal Skills that complement each other, and fielding a solid line-up to tackle those pesky Daily Quests will help speed up your power leveling process.
It also helps to level at least one Servant of every Class so you can keep your farming team versatile.

Decent 3* picks that can help fill gaps in your line-up include Julius Caesar (Saber), Robin Hood (Archer), Cu Chulainn (Protoype), Medusa (Rider), Medea (Caster), Jing Ke (Assassin) and Kiyohime (Berserker).
Tip #7: Make use of Mana Prisms
Since Mana Prism redemption in Da Vinci’s shop resets regularly now, you have the opportunity to get yourself some extra Summon Tickets, as well as Sun Fou (improves ATK by 50) and Star Fou (improves maximum HP by 50) if you have Mana Prisms to spare.

She’s here to take your money. Always try to clean out the shop and pump up your favorite Servants with the Fou cards if you can.
Doing your Dailies at the highest difficulty will get you about 11 Mana Prisms easily, and you can get as many as 26 each day if you do every single Daily Quest religiously.
You can also choose to Burn (Sell) unwanted Servants, XP Cards and Craft Essences. In fact, one of the easiest ways to farm Mana Prisms is to do Ember Gathering (Advanced), and burn any silver XP cards you gain after.
You’ll need several hundred Mana Prisms if you want to clear out Da Vinci’s shop on a regular basis!

If you’ve got plenty of friends (like me), you’ll always have at least 2 10x Friend Point rolls up daily. Burn any excess 3* Servants, silver XP cards and Craft Essences you don’t care for (like Black Keys) and turn them into Mana Prisms.
And that’s pretty much all there is to it.
Just keep doing your Dailies once you’ve completed your story maps, keep pimping out your Servants, and stock up on both Summon Tickets and Saint Quartz, because you’ll want them for special events with Rate Up like Nero Festival, among other things.
Happy farming! :3
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