Monthly Archives:March 2016

Doujin Market joins IOEA!

23 Mar , 2016,
Doujin Market

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve joined the International Otaku Expo Association (I.O.E.A.), and are now part of a wider network of premier global otaku events.

We hope to reach out to more events around the world, and to bring the very best of international doujin and derivative fan art content to you!


100% of Artist Tables booked!

16 Mar , 2016,
Doujin Market

You read that right, folks! All 100% of our Artist Tables have been booked, which means Doujin Market will be Singapore’s biggest dedicated showcase of derivative fan art ever!

With 90 art groups and more than 100 exhibiting artists, we’re sure there will be something for everyone, whether you’re a fan of anime, comic books, games or manga.

Check out our list of exhibiting artists and our exhibitor map now!

Doujima 2016 map no patrons

Gabu Gabu! comes to Doujin Market!

10 Mar , 2016,
Doujin Market
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If you’ve got a craving for some awesome soda, then you’ll be happy to know that GABU GABU! is the Official Beverage for Doujin Market!

GABU GABU! is not your boring average soda. It’s a revolutionary, one-of-a-kind ice cream soda with a contemporary twist made with real milk and real fruit juice flavors for refreshingly real enjoyment.

Creamy yet light, rich yet refreshing. It’s bound to sweeten up your day! With GABU GABU! Life’s so perfect!

To redeem your free can of GABU GABU! at the event, simply come to the Neo Tokyo Project booth and show us that you ‘Like’ the official GABU GABU! Facebook page on your mobile device. Available while stocks last. 



Make some Noise at Doujin Market!

2 Mar , 2016,
Doujin Market
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We’re happy to announce that Doujin Market – Doujima 2016 is supported by Noise Movement, an initiative of the National Arts Council which provides seed funding to ground-up programmes which get young people involved in the arts.

We’re grateful for their patronage, and hope that this year’s show will empower, excite and inspire the doujin community to greater heights!

Check out Noise Singapore today!